Our Sea Silt Extract

Sea Silt - the secret of marine ingredients

The sea does good. And our North Sea, in particular. The Wadden Sea is a natural wonder and a protected UNESCO biosphere reserve. The iodine content in the air is ten times higher than inland. During low tide, an area of approximately 3,500 m2 becomes dry. The changing tides compact the soil, and the typical blue-gray North Sea mud accumulates many valuable active ingredients.


Sea Silt is one of the purest natural products. It is exceptionally rich in oxygen, healing clay, trace elements, sulfur, salts, minerals, and organic marsh components. La mer processes it using a globally unique method and in its own laboratory to create an extract that delivers convincing skincare results for all skin types in a short time.


+ provides intensive hydration
+ keeps skin hydrated all day long
activates the skin’s own protective functions
+ improves the skin’s elasticity
+ nourishes the skin with essential minerals and trace elements
+ reduces transepidermal moisture loss


The valuable substances in Sea Silt extract deliver great results after only a short treatment period and for all skin types and conditions. LAMARIN skincare products lastingly alleviate skin problems and conditions.

Algae & more


Algae are probably some of the greatest survival experts on this planet. Over millennia, they have evolved and adapted themselves perfectly to extreme natural habitats. Unlike plants on land, algae do not have roots. Instead, they absorb all essential minerals and trace elements direct from the seawater into their cells.


Algae are found in a diverse range of habitats: down on the seabed, where they are exposed to low temperatures and high pressure, on the surface of the oceans and in intertidal zones where they are completely underwater part of the day and fully exposed and dehydrated for the rest of the time. Algae that are found in the intertidal zone must withstand harsh sunlight, heat and cold, and also extreme variations in salinity.


These specialists manage to survive in what can be exceptionally harsh conditions thanks to special mechanisms and substance combinations that they have perfected over the course of their evolution, special metabolic processes, amino acids, trace elements, vitamins, polyphenols and antioxidants.


+ contain a wide range of different active substances

+ highly effective ingredients in cosmetics + proteins supply skin cells with energy and protect them against dehydration

+ vitamins and beta-carotene strengthen skin cells

+ slow down the skin's aging process 

+ protect against harmful environmental influences


The sea and the human body have a lot in common, primarily the fact that the same minerals are present in seawater and in human blood serum. This means that the many minerals and trace elements are exceptionally well absorbed by the body and can be swiftly processed. Seawater has a cleansing, remineralising and revitalising effect on the skin, hair and nails. A seawater bath is relaxing, refreshing and helps to soothe stress and calm the nerves.


Seawater contains more oxygen than the air we breathe.

Seawater is a mixture of pure water and other compounds, such as salts, dissolved gases, organic substances and solid particles. This composition is nearly always constant, but the salt content varies. In the Baltic Sea the average salinity is 0.8%, with the concentration increasing from east to west. The salinity of the North Sea is approximately 3.3%, in the Mediterranean it is 3.7% and the Dead Sea contains 27% salt.


+ minerals and trace elements activate the circulation

+ keeping the skin’s functions in balance

+ help to retain moisture and regulate the body’s water balance

Sea salt


Sea salt is traditionally extracted from seawater that is channelled into shallow ponds. The sun and the wind cause the water to evaporate, leaving behind salt crystals which are rich in valuable trace elements and minerals from the sea.


+ help to stimulate the circulation and regulate the skin’s pH balance

+ soothes inflammation and alleviates itchiness


It is used in cosmetic products either pure or in a solution and is suitable for all skin types.